[Physics] quasi-static process


What is the formal definition of quasi static process?

I am accustomed with it a bit intuitively, i want to know the formal definition of this. At some source I found the definition of somewhat reversible adiabatic process which somehow also defines quasi static process

"def. 8: Adiabatic process is a process by which the system
parameters change so slowly that the characteristic time of
changing is much longer than the period of the slowest mode
of natural oscillations
; also, there should be no dissipative processes (where mechanical energy is converted to heat), e.g. friction. In the case of gases, this means that the speed of the
container walls needs to be much smaller than the speed of
sound, and also there should be no external heat supply.

Basically the emphasized text defines quasi static process, Now my questions:

What is characteristic time of a process?

What is mode of natural oscillation of a system?

So what is formal definition of quasi static process?

Best Answer

The definition is actually mixing in a unique definition quasi-static and adiabatic transformation to provide the definition of a reversible adiabatic transformation.

Notice that the two definition can define separate processes: one may have a quasistatic isothermal, isocoric, isoenthalpic,... process, which are not adiabatic, of course, or it is possible to have a non-quasi-static adiabatic transformation.

Characteristic time of a process is basically the time interval between the start and the end of the process.

Mode of natural oscillation of a system is a non-completely-correct way of referring to the characteristic times of the system. Such characteristic times may look like oscillations (for instance a local fluctuation of density would relax through density waves, i.e. sound-like motion) but not necessarily: particle diffusion is not a wave-like phenomenon.

The definition of quasi-static process on which there is general agreement is any transformation slow with respect to the characteristic times of all the process which drive the system toward thermodynamic equilibrium.

For such transformations one is sure that the systems, even if its state is changing, at every time remains as closest as possible to an equilibrium state.

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