[Physics] $Q$-factor for damped oscillator (not driven)


How would this be defined?

Some of the Q-factor definitions I have encountered include:

$$Q=2\pi\frac{\text{Energy stored}}{\text{Mean power per cycle}}\\Q=2\pi\frac{\text{Energy stored}}{\text{Energy lost per period of
oscillation}}\\Q=2\pi\frac{1}{\text{Fractional power lost per cycle}}$$

However, none of these seem to work for a non-driven, damped oscillator. The first two won't work because energy stored is not a constant, and unless fractional power lost per cycle is a constant (is it, and if it's then how do you show that?) the third won't work either.

Best Answer

The Q-factor tells you something about the frequency response of a driven system to a constant amplitude driver when a steady state (constant amplitude of driven system) has been reached.
The driver supplies energy to the driven system which at steady state results in the energy stored in the driven system staying constant (constant amplitude) and there is also a constant rate of energy (power) dissipation from the driven system..

With a non-driven system there is no input of energy into the system and so the energy (amplitude) of the oscillating system just decreases with time.
The Q-value is ratio of the total energy stored in the oscillating system (at some time) divided by the energy lost in the following single cycle.
For small amounts of damping (large values of Q) the Q-value is the number of oscillation such that the amplitude drops off to approximately $\frac {1}{25}^{\rm th}$ of its original value.
The Q-value is also equal to $\frac{\pi f_0}{\alpha}$ where $f_0$ is the natural frequency of the undamped oscillator and $\alpha$ appears in the term ${\rm e}^{-\alpha t}$, where $t$ is the time, which controls the rate at which the amplitude of the oscillations decay.

I have just found out that this is a duplicate question - Definition of the Q-factor?