Thermodynamics – Proving Negative Absolute Temperatures Are Hotter than Positive Ones

equilibriumspin-chainsstatistical mechanicstemperaturethermodynamics

Could someone provide me with a mathematical proof of why, a system with an absolute negative Kelvin temperature (such that of a spin system) is hotter than any system with a positive temperature (in the sense that if a negative-temperature system and a positive-temperature system come in contact, heat will flow from the negative- to the positive-temperature system).

Best Answer

Arnold Neumaier's comment about statistical mechanics is correct, but here's how you can prove it using just thermodynamics. Let's imagine two bodies at different temperatures in contact with one another. Let's say that body 1 transfers a small amount of heat $Q$ to body 2. Body 1's entropy changes by $-Q/T_1$, and body 2's entropy changes by $Q/T_2$, so the total entropy change is $$ Q\left(\frac{1}{T_2}-\frac{1}{T_1}\right). $$ This total entropy change must be positive (according to the second law), so if $1/T_1>1/T_2$ then $Q$ has to be negative, meaning that body 2 can transfer heat to body 1 rather than the other way around. It's the sign of $\frac{1}{T_2}-\frac{1}{T_1}$ that determines the direction that heat can flow.

Now let's say that $T_1<0$ and $T_2>0$. Now it's clear that $\frac{1}{T_2}-\frac{1}{T_1}>0$ since both $1/T_2$ and $-1/T_1$ are positive. This means that body 1 (with a negative temperature) can transfer heat to body 2 (with a positive temperature), but not the other way around. In this sense body 1 is "hotter" than body 2.

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