[Physics] Propellers and the Speed of sound

acousticsaerodynamicsflowfluid dynamics

I was reading this website that described a novel wind turbine technology
and it has this quote:

In the mid-20th century, open propeller-driven planes with piston engines reached performance limits as blade tip speeds neared the speed of sound.

In my mechanical engineering thermal-fluids class I vaguely remember there being some discussion about the change in turbine/compressor design needed for supersonic speeds, but I don't remember any of the concepts or equations. Why does it matter that the tip of the turbine reaches the speed of sound? Does it have any relation to the airspeed approaching from the front of the turbine?

Is whatever sonic phenomena also independent of the size of the turbine? Like a very rotationally-slow but super large radius turbine?

EDIT: to clarify, the company is not claiming anything in particular about the speed of sound in their technology but rather drawing some kind of vague comparison between the limitations of propellers back in the day and how they are supposedly overcoming the same sort of technological barrier.

The question is what does the speed of sound have to do with limiting the ability of a propeller? It is not obvious to me why it's important that a propeller can't break the sound barrier.

Best Answer

If the tips of the propeller blades are moving near the speed of sound a shock wave can form. Supersonic flow has very different character than subsonic. A propeller designed to operate at subsonic speeds will be inefficient at supersonic ones due to shock waves. In general, shock waves cause a loss of efficiency. You might have noticed that subsonic airplanes often have swept wings. This is because flow over the top of the wings accelerates and can reach supersonic speeds even when the aircraft is traveling well below the speed of sound. Sweeping the wings decreases the normal component of the velocity relative to the wing. Likewise, you will sometimes see helicopter blades with the tips swept back. To avoid supersonic flow at the inlet of turbine blades you will observe an increase in area from where air enters the engine to when it reaches the blades. As long as the flow entering the engine is subsonic, the increase in area will slow down the speed of the fluid and avoid supersonic flow over the blades.