[Physics] Product of Levi-Civita Symbols


I was reviewing Levi-Civita symbols and came across this identity:

$$ \epsilon_{ijk} \epsilon_{ijn} = 2 \delta_{kn}$$

My first thought was the identity that involves a determinant:

\delta_{il} & \delta_{im} & \delta_{in} \\
\delta_{jl} & \delta_{jm} & \delta_{jn} \\
\delta_{kl} & \delta_{km} & \delta_{kn}

which is frequently used to prove other identities, such as

If I were to employ this approach, I would take the determinant and replace $l$ with $i$ and $m$ with $j$, which is obviously easy to do. However, I seem to recall there being a significantly more elegant approach that doesn't resort to using this determinant-based definition or the identity that follows – does anyone remember what it is?

Best Answer

The expression $\epsilon_{ijk} \epsilon_{ijn}$ is only nonzero when $i \neq j \neq k$ and $i \neq j \neq n$, so it is only nonzero if $k = n$, so it is proportional to $\delta_{kn}$. To figure out the constant of proportionality, set $k = n = 3$. We want to evaluate $$\epsilon_{ij3} \epsilon_{ij3}.$$ The only nonzero terms are when $(i, j) = (1, 2)$ and $(i, j) = (2, 1)$, giving contributions of $1^2$ and $(-1)^2$ respectively. Then the constant is $2$.

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