[Physics] Problem with determining number of Goldstone bosons


Consider a theory $$\mathcal{L}=(\partial_\mu\Phi^\dagger)(\partial^\mu\Phi)-\mu^2(\Phi^\dagger\Phi)-\lambda(\Phi^\dagger\Phi)^2$$ where $\Phi=\begin{pmatrix}\phi_1+i\phi_2\\ \phi_0+i\phi_3\end{pmatrix}$ is a complex $SU(2)$ doublet. After symmetry breaking there is no residual symmetry and hence there are $(2^2-1)=3$ goldstone bosons. The same Lagrangian can also be written as $$\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{i=0}^{3}(\partial_\mu\phi_i)^2-\mu^2(\sum\limits_{i=0}^{3}\phi_i^2)-\lambda(\sum\limits_{i=0}^{3}\phi_i^2)^2$$ which is nothing but the Lagrangian of linear sigma model. After symmetry breaking the symmetry of the Lagrangian reduces from $O(4)$ to $O(3)$. Therefore, there are $3$ goldstone bosons once again and the results match. However, I'm having a confusion with the following. Consider the theory $$\mathcal{L}=(\partial_\mu\xi^\dagger)(\partial^\mu\xi)-\mu^2(\xi^\dagger\xi)-\lambda(\xi^\dagger\xi)^2$$ where $\xi=\begin{pmatrix}\xi_1+i\xi_2\\ \xi_3+i\xi_4\\ \xi_0+i\xi_5\end{pmatrix}$ is a complex $SU(2)$ triplet. The Lagrangian is again $SU(2)$ invariant. Right? After SSB there is no residual symmetry and umber of goldstone boson is 3. However, if we write it as $$\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{i=0}^{5}(\partial_\mu\xi_i)^2-\mu^2(\sum\limits_{i=0}^{5}\xi_i^2)-\lambda(\sum\limits_{i=0}^{5}\xi_i^2)^2$$ then $O(6)$ symmetry breaks down to $O(5)$ and number of Goldstone bosons is $=5$. So it doesn't match. Then where am I making the mistake? What is the correct number of Goldstone bosons in this case?

Best Answer

Your first two theories, Φ in the spinor rep of SU(2), and φ in the vector rep of O(4), are dealt with correctly, with 3 generators broken in both cases, so 3 goldstons and one massive field.

You have completely messed up the counting and symmetry structure of your latter theory. The first form, with a complex triplet ξ, is SU(3)-, not just SU(2), invariant, and this SU(3) breaks down to the residual SU(2) by the v.e.v., so 8-3=5 broken generators, and thus 5 goldstons, and one residual massive field, just as in the language of your O(4)/O(3) vector representation model.

I am unclear as to how you concluded, erroneously, that "there is no residual SU(2)". There is: it mixes up the components not involving the v.e.v. So, for example, if the v.e.v. is dialed to the 3rd component, the SU(2) subgroup mixing up the upper two components ($\lambda_1, \lambda_2,\lambda_3$ Gell-Mann matrices) is unbroken. You ought to brush up on the standard elementary SSB counting arguments, which your teacher must have assigned to you, Ling-Fong Li (1974)

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