[Physics] Probability density versus radial distribution function

quantum mechanics

For a 1s orbital the radial probability density is maximum at the nucleus while the radial distribution function is zero at the nucleus, while the maximum radial distribution function is maximum at a particular distance from the nucleus. so my question is where is the maximum probability of finding an electron?.Is it at the nucleus or where the radial distribution function is maximum?

Best Answer

You are confused between the radial part of the eigenfunctions and the radial probability density.

For the 1s level of a hydrogen atom, the eigenfunction is $$\psi(r,\theta, \phi) = \frac{1}{2\pi}a_0^{-3/2} \exp(-r/a_0) $$ and there is no angular dependence.

But when you want to work out a probability density $P(r)$ for the electron to be found between $r$ and $r +dr$, then you need to consider an integral of the square of the modulus of the eigenfunction over the volume enclosed by the spherical shell between $r$ and $r+dr$ and this volume is $4\pi r^2\ dr$.

In other words, the (unnormalised) probability density as a function of radius $$ P(r) = 4\pi r^2 \psi(r) \psi^{*}(r)$$.

So whilst $\psi(r)$ peaks at the origin, $P(r)$ is zero at the origin. To work out at what radius the electron is most likely to be you look for a maximum in $P(r)$.