[Physics] Principal moment of inertia, and principal axis

moment of inertiarotational-dynamics

I have read about moment of inertia in rotational mechanics, and also read about moment of inertia tensor where 9 components are present where
Ixx, Iyy, Izz are diagonal elements of moment of inertia tensor and they are called moment of inertia and Ixy, Iyz, Izx are off diagonal elements and they are called product of inertia and we know that the Ixx,Iyy , Izz are the moment of inertia about x,y,z axises
So these components tells the rotation of a body about rotation about x,y,z axises.


  1. But I don't know what is the axis of rotation of Ixy, Iyz ,Izx
    I mean about which axis they are rotating?

  2. And in principal moment of inertia those product of inertia terms are become zero ,why they are zero in that case?

  3. By making them zero the moment of inertia tensor is made diagonal matrix, but why they are made zero to make the moment of inertia tensor diagonal?

Best Answer

The meaning of moment of inertia tensor comes from $$\vec{L}=I\vec{\omega}$$

So for example if you consider an object rotating about the $y$ axis with angular velocity $\omega$, you have

$$\left(\begin{array}{c} L_x\\L_y\\L_z \end{array}\right)=\left(\begin{array}{ccc} I_{xx}&I_{xy}&I_{xz}\\I_{yx}&I_{yy}&I_{yz}\\I_{zx}&I_{zy}&I_{zz}\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{c}0\\ \omega\\0\end{array}\right)$$ $$=\left(\begin{array}{c}I_{xy}\\I_{yy}\\I_{zy}\end{array}\right)\omega$$

So $I_{xy}\omega$ is the $x$-component of angular momentum when the object rotates about the $y$ axis with angular velocity $\omega$, and similarly for the meaning of the other components.

In general $I_{ij}\omega$ is the $i$-th component of the angular momentum of the object rotating with angular velocity $\omega$ about the $j$-th axis.

For axes along which the rotation of an object will give angular momentum along the same axes as well, then the off-diagonal elements are zero if these axes are chosen as basis. Because in that case you have, e.g., for rotation about the $x$-axis $$\vec{L}=I_{xx}\omega \hat{x}$$ for rotation about $y$-axis $$\vec{L}=I_{yy}\omega \hat{y}$$ for rotation about $z$-axis $$\vec{L}=I_{zz}\omega \hat{z}$$ and hence in general for $$\vec{\omega}=\omega_x\hat{x}+\omega_y\hat{y}+\omega_z\hat{z}$$ $$\vec{L}=\left(\begin{array}{ccc}I_{xx}&0&0\\0&I_{yy}&0\\0&0&I_{zz}\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{c}\omega_x\\\omega_y\\\omega_z\end{array}\right)$$

  1. But I don't know what is the axis of rotation of Ixy, Iyz ,Izx I mean about which axis they are rotating?

$I_{ij}$ is talking about the rotation about the $j$-th axis.