[Physics] Pressure difference along horizontal in accelerated fluids

fluid dynamics

In accelerated fluids, fluid in a container can orient itself in a direction due to acceleration. In that case, pressure at different heights (at the surface) is same (atm). Then at the same height, pressure is different. How does this pressure increase along the horizontal?enter image description here

Best Answer

Pseudo-forces and/or accelerated frames simplify this mathematically, but here’s a way to understand it conceptually:

Consider a little bit of fluid in the middle. The pressure it exerts to the right has to be enough to accelerate all the fluid to the right. (“Has to” in the sense that fluid will flow around & seek levels so that this is true)

Now consider the bit of fluid just to the left of that. It must be exerting more pressure: it has to accelerate the bit to its right (the bit in the middle) plus all the stuff to the right of that.

So as you go from right to left across the middle, the pressure goes up.

From here you can create an exact model with $\Delta x$ etc, but this is the basic idea.