[Physics] Planck’s Law-Where does it come from


It seems that Planck's constant was made from fitting a curve for blackbody radiation, is it just experimental-further more his assumption that energy comes in quanta seems to have been a guess. Why would energy come in quanta? Wikipedia says that he didn't think about it much, but I don't know why harmonic oscillators would even be suggested to only have a quantized number of energy modes, moreover what an energy mode would be. With a set frequency, how does one vary the energy?
The main question I have, is what the reasoning behind the quantization of oscillators?

Best Answer

As I understand, you are asking for Planck's motivation for his law and thus quantization of energy. Well, there is a letter written in 1931 by Planck to Robert Williams Wood. I haven't found it anywhere on the web, so I'll quote part of it here. I'm taking it from Theoretical Concepts in Physics by Malcolm S. Longair (as Longair, I also find it rather moving):

Briefly summarised, what I did can be described as simply an act of desperation. (...) A theoretical interpretation therefore had to be found at any cost, no matter how high. (...) a new constant is required to assure that energy does not disintegrate. But the only way to recognize how this can be done is to start from a definite point of view. This approach was opened to me by maintaining the two laws of thermodynamics. The two laws, it seems to me, must be upheld under all circumstances. For the rest, I was ready to sacrifice every one of my previous convictions about physical laws. (...) one finds that the continuous loss of energy into radiation can be prevented by assuming that energy is forced at the outset to remain together in certain quanta. This was purely a formal assumption and I really did not give it much thought except that no matter what the cost, I must bring about a positive result.

He later tells Wood that he is sending him an English version copy of his Nobel lecture, so I guess that's also worth reading. If you find the full letter on the web, please let me know.

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