[Physics] Piston Cylinder with stops – I don’t understand why is it constant pressure


My question is why if I heat the cylinder why is it constant pressure?
I will tell you what I understand, from state 1 to 2 – it is clear why is it constant volume (because we required 300KPA and in initial it less).
But why after the heat came to 300kpa why is it stay in 300kpa and not continue to grow?

Please, I need help.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Realize that the problem statement says, "Heat is now slowly transferred to the steam..." after the piston begins to lift.

This means that the gas is in mechanical equilibrium (i.e., matching pressures) with the piston at every instant in time. In thermodynamics we call this a quasistatic process; the gas is in "quasi-equilibrium" with the surroundings at every point in the process. If the pressures are unequal at any time, then the process is not in equilibrium during that time.