[Physics] physical system whose phase space is the torus


NOTE. This is not a question about mathematics and in particular it's not a question about whether one can endow the torus with a symplectic structure.

In an answer to the question

What kind of manifold can be the phase space of a Hamiltonian system?

I claimed that there exist (in a mathematical sense), Hamiltonian systems on the torus (and in fact on higher genus surfaces as well). However, when pressed to come up with a physical system in the real world (even an idealized one) whose dynamics could be modeled as a Hamiltonian system on the torus, I could not think of one.

Does such a system exist?

I would even be satisfied with a non-classical system which can somehow effectively be described by a Hamiltonian system on the torus, although I'm not sure that the OP of the other question I linked to above would be.

Best Answer

Consider a non-relativistic massless particle with charge $q$ on a 2D torus

$$\tag{1} x ~\sim~ x + L_x , \qquad y ~\sim~ y + L_y, $$

in a constant non-zero magnetic field $B$ along the $z$-axis.

Locally, we can choose a magnetic vector potential

$$\tag{2} A_x ~=~ \partial_x\Lambda, \qquad A_y ~=~ Bx +\partial_y\Lambda, $$

where $\Lambda(x,y)$ is an arbitrary gauge function. Locally, the Lagrangian (which encodes the Lorentz force) is given as

$$\tag{3} L~=~ q ( A_x\dot{x} + A_y\dot{y})~=~qB~x\dot{y}+ \text{(total time derivative)}. $$

[The ordinary kinetic term $T=\frac{m}{2}(\dot{x}^2+\dot{y}^2)$ is absent since the mass $m=0$. This implies that the characteristic cyclotron frequency of the system is infinite.] The Lagrangian momenta are

$$\tag{4} p_x ~=~ \frac{\partial L}{\partial\dot{x} }~=~A_x, \qquad p_y ~=~ \frac{\partial L}{\partial\dot{x} }~=~A_y. $$

Eq. (4) becomes second class constraints, so that the variables $p_x$ and $p_y$ can be eliminated. The Dirac bracket is non-degenerate in the $xy$-sector:

$$\tag{5} \{y,x\}_{DB}~=~\frac{1}{qB}. $$

[Alternatively, this can be seen using the Faddeev-Jackiw method.] In other words, the two periodic coordinates $x$ and $y$ become each others canonical variable with corresponding symplectic two-form

$$\tag{6} \omega_{DB}~=~qB ~\mathrm{d}x \wedge \mathrm{d}y. $$

The corresponding Hamiltonian $H=0$ vanishes. The classical eqs. of motion

$$\tag{7} \dot{x}~=0~=\dot{y} $$

imply a frozen particle.

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