[Physics] Physical intuition behind negative values for wave function

orbitalsquantum mechanicswavefunction

So a positive and a positive wave function create a bonding orbital where the probability of finding an electron is summed while a positive and a negative create an anti-bonding orbital with a lower electron probability in the region between them leading to a repulsion. My confusion stems from not having any idea as to what a negative wave function is representing – can anyone give me some physical intuition on how this negative wave function could be correlated to something in reality?

Best Answer

The wavefunction contains all the information about the system, but it is not itself observable. Since our intuition tends to be linked to what we have observed in the past, it's not surprising that the wavefunction seems unintuitive. As you say it can be negative, but it can also be a complex number making it even less intuitive (if that's possible!).

Anything we can observe is obtained from the wavefunction using a function called an operator. In your example of calculating the probability of finding the electron in some infinitesimal volume $dV$, this probability is given by:

$$ P = \psi^*\psi dV $$

where $\psi^*$ is the complex conjugate of $\psi$. The product $\psi^*\psi$ is always real and positive, so the probability of finding an electron is always real and positive. We don't need to worry that the wavefunction can be negative or complex.