[Physics] Physical intuition about the inertia tensor

angular momentummoment of inertianewtonian-mechanicsreference framesrotational-dynamics

I'm studying Mechanics on Goldstein's book (Classical Mechanics) and Spivak's book (Physics for Mathematicians) and I'm in doubt about the physical intuition about the inertia tensor. On both books, the inertia tensor appears naturally when computing the angular momentum $L$ of a rigid body which, for simplicity, is only rotating.

The inertia tensor is then defined as the linear operator $I : \mathbb{R}^3 \to \mathbb{R}^3$ given by

$$I(\phi) = \sum_{i} m_i b_i \times (\phi \times b_i),$$

where $b_i\in \mathbb{R}^3$ are the initial positions of the particles of the body, and $m_i$ their masses. With this definition, it is shown that

$$L = I(\omega),$$

being $\omega$ the angular velocity of the rigid body. All of that, from the mathematical point of view, is fine.

Now, what is the physical intuition behind this? The linear operator $I$ allows one to relate, in a linear way the angular velocity and the angular momentum. This looks much like mass relates in a linear way velocity and momentum. But on the latter case, mass is a scalar while $I$ is a linear transformation.

What is, then, the best way to physically understand the inertia tensor?

Best Answer

You are right in saying that $I$ allows one to relate angular velocity and angular momentum in a linear way. It is just not as simple as the momentum and velocity case. An intuition for why things get complicated is that $L = r \times p $ involves a cross product which makes it very sensitive to the choice of a specific set of orthonormal bases(with fixed origin). While $p=mv$ involves a scalar mass that is independent of your choice of coordinates.

To explain inertia tensor, I guess we could start with simpler cases where sufficient symmetry is present (for example a sphere in 3D or a circular pancake in 2d), $L = I(\omega)$ reduces to $L = I\omega$ where $L$ and $\omega$ are vectors and $I$ is just a scalar. An intuition for this reduction is that symmetry makes $I$ resemble $m$ more. As I mentioned earlier, mass is always independent of coordinate choice. but $I$ is only independent of the coordinates that PRESERVE symmetry. Therefore, spheres and circular pancakes are pretty easy to deal with and no inertia tensor is necessary.

But for a general, extended, rigid body in 3d, the lack of symmetry breaks the simple linear relationship. Suppose you have an orthonormal basis, the origin of which is the corner of a cube and the axes line up with the edges of the cube. Basically when the cube is rotated around the z-axis, all the parts of the cube are also instantaneously rotating in the other directions (if you draw a diagram, it would be clear). Therefore $\omega_z$ affects $L_y$ and $L_x$. I don't see an intuitive explanation of the quantitative details.. But this simple cube example shows that $L_x, L_y, L_z$ must each be a linear combination of $\omega_x, \omega_y, \omega_z$. And the mathematical expression that quantifies this must be a matrix.

*A mathematical sidetrack: this matrix itself is not a tensor, but rather a REPRESENTATION of a tensor that maps angular velocity vectors to angular momentum DUAL vectors. In abstract index notation, $L_\alpha = I_{\alpha\beta}\omega^\beta $ You will see a lot of similar notations in E&M, Relativity etc.