Quantum Mechanics and Path Integral – Physical Interpretation of the Integrand of the Feynman Path Integral

path-integralquantum mechanicsquantum-field-theory

In quantum mechanics, we think of the Feynman Path Integral
$\int{D[x] e^{\frac{i}{\hbar}S}}$ (where $S$ is the classical action)
as a probability amplitude (propagator) for getting from $x_1$ to $x_2$ in some time $T$. We interpret the expression $\int{D[x] e^{\frac{i}{\hbar}S}}$ as a sum over histories, weighted by $e^{\frac{i}{\hbar}S}$.

Is there a physical interpretation for the weight $e^{\frac{i}{\hbar}S}$? It's certainly not a probability amplitude of any sort because it's modulus squared is one. My motivation for asking this question is that I'm trying to physically interpret the expression
$\langle T \{ \phi(x_1)…\phi(x_n) \} \rangle = \frac{\int{D[x] e^{\frac{i}{\hbar}S}\phi(x_1)…\phi(x_n)}}{\int{D[x] e^{\frac{i}{\hbar}S}}}$.

Best Answer

Up to a universal normalization factor, $\exp(iS_{\rm history}/\hbar)$ is the probability amplitude for the physical system to evolve along the particular history. All the complex numbers in quantum mechanics are "probability amplitudes of a sort".

This is particularly clear if we consider the sum over histories in a short time interval $(t,t+dt)$. In that case, all the intermediate histories may be interpreted as "linear fields" – for example, a uniform motion $x(t)$ – which is why only the straight line contributes and its meaning is nothing else than the matrix elements of the evolution operator.

It may be puzzling why all the histories have probability amplitudes with the same absolute value. But it's true – in the sense of Feynman's path integral – and it's how Nature operates. At the end, some histories (e.g. coarse-grained histories in the sense of the consistent history interpretation of quantum mechanics) are more likely or much more likely than others. But within quantum mechanics, all these differences between the likelihood of different coarse-grained histories are explained by constructive or destructive interference of the amplitudes (and/or from different "sizes of the ensemble of histories")! That's just the quantum mechanics' universal explanation for why some histories are more likely than others. Histories that are not coarse-grained are equally likely!

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