[Physics] Photoelectric effect graph between photoelectric current and collector plate potential


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I am not able to understand the significance of this graph.
Can anyone help me??

Best Answer

You must see the curves in the light of photoelectric equation;

Photo electron Kinetic Energy (max) = h. frequency - W (work function)

From above equation, it is clear that the number of photons incident should have no effect on the energy of the photoelectrons.

However, If the intensity of light is changed (increased or decreased) the number of photoelectrons that are released gets affected .

As each photon is capable of releasing only one electron, then if there are more photons, then there is release of more electrons.

So for three intensities the photo current curve takes different paths depending upon the available electrons.

However as the photo active plate is of same material having unique work function the stopping potential remains same as defined by the guiding equation.