[Physics] Photoelectric effect and variation of current


Say a photon of frequency $\nu_1$ strikes the metal, and we have certain kinetic energy which is stopped by $V_{stop1}$. Now for frequency $\nu_2$ for same metal it will have $V_{stop2}$. Now $V_{stop}=\frac{1}{2}mu^2$. So $V_{stop}$ determines the $u$. Now current is defined as rate of flow of charge. So the flow of charge per unit time depends upon the number of electrons (here intensity) and how fast do they move (here kinetic energy or $u$). So for same intensity and different frequency, my logic says that current will differ and vice versa when we change intensity keeping frequency same. This seems to contradict photoelectric effect observation. Can you tell me where I have gone wrong?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

A photon that strikes the metal either has enough energy to release a valence electron from its bond with the atoms in the metal, from a certain frequency and up, or its energy is just not enough to eject the electron from the metal. The surplus of energy over the energy needed to eject the electron is used as kinetic energy of the electron and determines the speed with which it escapes the metal.

enter image description here

The current that starts running, however, is determined by the number of electrons that is ejected from the metal, as this creates a potential difference within the metal. The speed at which they move away from the metal does not matter in general, as they move in any random direction away from the metal.

The number of ejected electrons is determined by the number of photons striking the metal and therefore by the intensity of the light, not by its frequency.

I hope this helps you.