[Physics] Person Pushing a Block vs. People Pushing off Each Other – Newton’s Third Law


I have read so many forums on this and I still do not understand and it's affecting my ability to move forward with learning physics right now.

Imagine the following scenario: a person on a frictionless surface pushes on a stationary object. Both the person and the object have the same mass. I understand that if the person pushes with 100N both the person and the object will feel that force (though in opposite directions) due to Newton's third law (though I'm not sure WHY the reaction occurs, but that is a question for another day).

Now imagine the same scenario but instead of an object with the same mass it is another person with the same mass. Both people push off each other with 100N. I have been told that this will look the same; both people will feel 100N. However in my mind I am imagining that each person will feel the 100N push from the other person as well as the 100N reaction force from their own push. Should this not total to 200N? And if not, WHY NOT? I do not understand this and I can't stop ignoring it anymore.

Thank you for your help, I'm sorry that this is probably a really obvious concept that I'm just not grasping but I cannot wrap my mind around it at all. Thank you.

Best Answer

The force that a block exerts on a person is more similar to the force a person exerts on another person than you might initially realize.

Most of the time when a solid surface like a block exerts a normal force, it deforms a little bit, like a spring. The stress that results from the deformation is providing the force, similar (although not totally identical) to the way a person's muscles change their shape to provide a force. The harder the person pushes, the more the solid surface deforms and the higher the force that each of them exerts (at least up to a point where the solid is pushed so hard that it deforms irreversibly, which you're not considering here).

When viewed this way, there's no reason to expect a different answer for the block + person system than the case of the person + person system.

EDIT: Here's another way to say the same thing. The reaction force mentioned in statements of Newton's 3rd law is not a mysterious force that exists in addition to other forces that you might learn about. The reaction force will always come about in a way that relates to forces that can be studied in other contexts: deformation stresses, gravity, air pressure, and so on, depending on the specific system under consideration.