[Physics] Pendulum and simple harmonic motion


I have a physical pendulum that, for small oscillations, can be modeled with the simple harmonic motion approach. In determining the motion equation, I need to figure out the amplitude: I know that the pendulum has length $L$ and is released from an initial angle of $\theta = 15.0°$. My intuition suggest me that the amplitude can be calculated as $A = L\,\sin\,\theta$, but the solutions book actually uses the formula $A = r\,\theta$ (where in this case $r = L$). But the last formula is used to calculate the arc of circumference, so I wonder if it is the right way to do it and why.

Best Answer

Why would you consider the amplitude to be equal to the horizontal displacement? There's also a vertical displacement, which is arguably more important, without vertical displacement there would be no oscillation, since the potential energy would remain the same. Or take for example a torsion pendulum:

torsion pendulum

You wouldn't describe the amplitude as $r\sin{\theta}$, because that would give an amplitude of zero when the pendulum swings 360 degrees. It makes more sense to say that the amplitude is equal to the length of the path the pendulum travels, i.e. the length of the arc.