[Physics] Paper airplane physics


I am working on a game involving flying and steering a paper airplane for WP7. I want the plane to fly just like how normal paper airplanes fly (see this game for an example http://armorgames.com/play/7598/flight) but I can't seem to find an equation for how paper airplanes fly.

Anyone have any experience with this? In my game now, it just follows the usual motion for an object in a vacuum, which makes for some flight, but it doesn't feel perfect, and traveling at a slight downward angle makes you lose speed, which isn't right.


Best Answer

There is no simple equation for how a paper airplane flies like there is for a simple projectile because the airplane can interact with the air in complicated ways.

The physics of a paper airplane is described by Newton's laws of motion. These laws apply to both the airplane and the air it travels through. The plane is acted on by a constant gravitational force and by contact forces with the air, especially drag and lift.

The nature of the force between the air and the plane can be quite complicated, and requires an extremely detailed analysis for accurate simulation. For example, by constructing the plane slightly differently, you can make it fly faster, slower, further, curve left or right, or bob up and down.

The basic physical ideas are those of fluid dynamics and the basic equation involved is the Navier-Stokes equation. Modeling something like an airplane accurately is mostly the domain of expertise of aeronautical engineers.

To make a simple model for a game, you might want to start with a simple constant gravity force, a drag force proportional to the square of the velocity, and a lift force also proportional to the square of velocity (which comes from here), and then play around with the parameters until you find something pleasing to your eye.

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