Hamiltonian Formalism – Tautological One-Form in Differential Geometry


The one-form
$$\theta=\sum_i p_i\, \text dq^i$$
is a central object in hamiltonian mechanics. It has a bunch of applications: $\omega=\text d\theta$ is the symplectic structure on phase space, $S=\int\theta$ is the classical action, and so on and so forth. It is associated with the names Liouville one-form, Poincaré one-form, canonical one-form, and symplectic potential, none of which surprises me, but its Wikipedia entry informs me that the preferred[by whom?] name for it is actually "tautological" one-form, on the grounds that 'canonical' (which would be my natural choice) is 'already heavily loaded', and because of the risk of confusion with some algebraic thingammy.

This name completely mystifies me. Why was the name "tautological" chosen for this object? When, where, and by whom? Or was this name chosen because that's its name?

Best Answer

The name seems appropriate if consider that it probably comes from the case when the manifold is the cotangent bundle of a manifold. Then a point on $T^*M$ is a pair $(x,\alpha)$, where $x$ is a point on $M$ and $\alpha$ a one form. The definition of the tautological one form is: the value of the form at a point $(x,\alpha)$ on a tangent vector is obtained by projecting the vector to a tangent vector on $M$ and evaluating (at $x$) the form $\alpha$. In other words for $v\in T(T^*M)$ the value is $\theta_{(x,\alpha)}(v):=\alpha_x(d\pi(v))$, where $\pi : T^*M \rightarrow M$ is the projection.

In a way it is pretty tautological.

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