[Physics] On what conditions is a matrix a density matrix (of a pure state)


I've been reading Weinberg's Lectures on Quantum Mechanics and the topic of the density operator (or density matrix, whatever you may call it) baffles me.

Basically we have,


So it's just a simple matrix, right? Meaning any matrix can be a density matrix?

On Weinberg's take on density matrices he says to take


as an example and determine under what conditions this type of matrix is the density operator of a pure state.

But here is my problem: As I see it any matrix can be seen as a density matrix. At least that's what I think when I look at the general formula for the density matrix, since any type of matrix can be expressed with that formula.

So I assume the conditions come from the pure state. A pure state is just one which corresponds to vectors in Hilbert Space, right? Thus we can get any type of matrix and $\hat{\rho}=\begin{bmatrix}a&b&0\\c&d&0\\0&0&e\end{bmatrix}$ therefore should be a density operator of a pure state.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Being a density matrix is equivalent to describing a physical state. A density matrix need to be: 1)(Normalized)$$\text{Tr}(\rho)=1$$ 2)(Hermitian) $$\rho=\rho^{\dagger}$$ 3) (Positive Semidefinite) $$\rho > 0$$

This is not the same as being a pure state, the pure state are a subset of physical states, but there are others the so called mixed states.

Note that Linden has a nice condition for pure states being physical $$1=\text{Tr}(\rho)=\text{Tr}(\rho^{2})=\text{Tr}(\rho^{3})$$.