[Physics] Oil drop experiment and quantization of charge


How to systematically show that the resulting charges in oil drop experiment are integers multiplied by $e$ in other word how to extract $e$ from the data?

Best Answer

To address John Rennie's comment in the comment section regarding the existence of a systematic, human-guess-independent algorithm for determining the LCM of a data series in the presence of significant experimental error and without the aid of single-electron-charged droplets to make a human-sensible guess:

a = 12.5654;
L = 400;
list = Table[a (RandomInteger[{6, 35}] + RandomReal[{-0.25, 0.25}]), {k, L}];
f[b_] := Module[{g = Nearest[b Range[L]]}, Sum[Abs[g[list[[k]]][[1]] - list[[k]]], 
{k, L}]/b];
ListPlot[list, PlotRange -> All]
Plot[f[x], {x, 6, 15}, PlotRange -> All]

enter image description here

enter image description here

There's no way a human could look at that plot of the noisy raw data and guess the LCM, but a computer can handle it just fine. Note that this is reliably indicating the LCM even though the "measurement" error is on the order of 50%. I used uniformly-distributed error, but it works with Gaussian-distributed errors just as fine.

As an interesting mathematical aside, in the absence of noise the LCM appears as the largest zero of the merit function, which has a sequence of zeros whose density of zeros tends as $(a x)^{-1}$ where $a$ is the LCM and $x$ is the guess. As $x\rightarrow 0$ the there is an oscillatory singularity, and for $x>a$, there are no further zeros.

enter image description here

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