[Physics] Occupation Number Representation in Second Quantization Formalism — What do the entries mean

quantum mechanicsquantum-field-theorysecond-quantization

I'm reading about the second quantization formalism. I can see the advantages of using number states to represent multiparticle states. Here's my question:

Let's say we're given a single-particle basis of plane waves with spins (so each particle can be described by some wavevector $k$ and some spin $\sigma$). Extending this formalism to $N$ such particles and writing this in occupation number representation, one could write states like $|n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_i,\ldots\rangle$. In doing so, what does each number $n_i$ mean? Does it mean, for example, that there are $n_i$ particles in some state $\{k_i, \sigma_i\}$? If that's the case, then supposedly we have enumerated as many $k$ and $\sigma$ combinations as could possibly exist, and only put non-zero values for those that describe any of the $N$ particles. Or is there another interpretation that I'm missing?

Any references that clarify this material are also welcome. Most books quickly skip from single-particle wavefunctions to those of many particles by saying something along the lines of "each $n_i$ means there are $n_i$ particles in state $i$," but I'm not sure what exactly this state describes.

Best Answer

You are right. The $i$ indices of the occupation numbers $n_i$ can be thought of as multi-indices meaning that each $i$ encodes both the wavevector $k$ (which is quantized once boundary conditions are imposed) and the spin sign $\sigma$. In general, $i$ will enumerate all the allowed combinations of quantum numbers that characterize the single particle states.

It is also true that only the entries $n_i$ of those states which are populated will be non-zero. If the total particle number $N$ is fixed, the constraint $\sum_in_i=N$ has to hold.

I added this in response to your comment:

The space the occupation number states naturally live in is referred to as Fock space. It can be written as

$\mathcal F^\pm = \bigoplus_{N=0}^\infty\mathcal H_N^\pm = \mathcal H_0 \oplus \mathcal H_1 \oplus \mathcal H_2^\pm \oplus \dots$

where $\mathcal H_N^\pm$ refers to the usually $N$ particle Hilbert spaces and the $\pm$ indicates whether we restict ourselves to symmetric or antisymmetric states, i.e. bosons and fermions respectively. It is convenient to work in Fock space because annihilation and creation operators will take you from one Hilbert space with fixed particle number to another.

Now, assuming that you mean 'dimension' when you talk about the 'size' of a Hilbert space, keep in mind that you have to obey the (anti-)symmetry constaint. This reduces the dimension of each of the $N$ particle subspaces.

As an example, consider a two state fermionic system, e.g. electrons with spin either $\downarrow$ ($i=1$) or $\uparrow$ ($i=2$). Due to the Pauli principle (i.e. as a consequence of the antisymmetry requirement) the only occupation numbers allowed are 0 and 1. $\mathcal H_0$ is one-dimensional as always, it contains only the vacuum state $|00\rangle$ (and multiples thereof, but we are interested in normalized linear independent states). The one particle Hilbert space is two-dimensional as the electron can be in either one of the states (and symmetry still doesn't matter since there are no two particles to swap). The two particle Hilbert space $\mathcal H_2^-$ has again only one linear independent state, $|11\rangle$, because Mr. Pauli doesn't allow us to populate any of the two states twice. Thus, the two-state fermionic Fock space is four-dimenional.

More generally, the $M$-state fermionic Fock space will be $\sum_{N=0}^M\binom{M}{N}=2^M$ dimensional (which follows from simple combinatorics) and bosonic Fock spaces are infinite dimensional because bosons can occupy the same state as many times as they want.