[Physics] Observable: possible outcome of measurement vs (linear) transformation

linear algebraoperatorsquantum mechanics

One of the postulates of quantum mechanics is that every physical observable corresponds to a Hermitian operator $H$, that the possible outcomes of the measurements are eigenvalues of the operator, and that after a measurement the state collapses into the eigenfunction corresponding to the observed eigenvalue.

Some authors state that this is the reason quantum mechanics is "built on" linear algebra. However from a linear algebra standpoint this postulate seems strange. In linear algebra operators are linear transformations that take vectors to vectors; hence I would expect an operator also be a linear transformation, physically realised by a black box that takes in a particle in a state $\psi$ and emits the particle in the transformed state $H \psi$.

In fact, if I look at the creation operator (from say an electron in a harmonic oscillator potential), this clearly can't correspond to an observable because it's not hermitian. I can imagine the black box to be implemented by a machine that fires a photon into the electron. I can also imagine operators that for example rotate the angular momentum of an electron without measuring it. Can I create a physical apparatus that "implements" the position operator (in position space, it takes a state $\psi(x)$ and returns $x \psi(x)$)? Why does QM use operators in these two different senses and how do I distinguish them?

Best Answer

One distinction I find it useful to make is between operators that are essentially measurement operators and operators that are essentially part of the mathematics that is used to construct a state. The operator $\hat x$ is a measurement operator, but we also need a state to tell us what measurement results we will observe. To construct one particular state, the conventional ground state of the simple harmonic oscillator, we introduce another operator, the annihilation operator $\hat a$ and write (not worrying about constant factors) $\hat x=\hat a+\hat a^\dagger$. We can use $\hat a$ to define/construct an object $\left|0\right>$ for which $\hat a\left|0\right>=0$. This object lets us construct the expectation values of any function of $\hat x$ in the state $f(\hat x)\rightarrow\left<0\right|f(\hat x)\left|0\right>$, using the commutation relations $[\hat a,\hat a^\dagger]=1$.

At this point, we have to introduce a moderately high level of mathematics, which lets us use the vacuum state (or any other state that we can create using other mathematics) as input to the Gelfand-Naimark-Segal construction of a Hilbert space, but the essential fact at the elementary level is as I've already noted, that we can construct the expectation values of any function of $\hat x$ (and we can extend the algebra of functions to include functions of both $\hat x$ and $\hat p=\mathrm{i}(\hat a^\dagger-\hat a)\;$) in the vacuum state, using the commutation relations $[\hat a,\hat a^\dagger]=1$.

The SHO is especially simple because there are only bound states, so that we can have $\hat x$ be self-adjoint by (abstract) construction as it is here, but the same distinction can be helpful elsewhere --- between operators that are introduced as mathematical analogues of measurements and operators that are introduced as mathematical tools for constructing states. I find this distinction helpful in quantum field theory, for example, because the SHO is foundational there.

I hope this is not too abstract. It's not a distinction that I have seen made as explicitly as this in textbooks, so use it carefully. The dichotomy between states and observables is not often emphasized as much as I think it might be, however it's manifest in the well-known expression of the expected value of an observable in a given state as a trace of the product of an observable and a density operator, $\mathsf{E}=\mathsf{Tr}\bigl[\hat A\hat\rho\bigr]$, which to me suggests that we think about whether various operators are used more to construct the $\hat A$'s or more to construct the $\hat\rho$'s.

Almost immediately an EDIT, to engage with your Question slightly more: All the above is built on abstract linear algebras, however the construction of a state can alternatively be put in terms of the construction of a representation of the linear algebra --- which in elementary mathematics is one and the same as the linear algebra itself, all done as "matrices", but a representation of a linear algebra requires considerably more structure than is required to construct an abstract linear algebra.

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