[Physics] ny physical system with a non-separable Hilbert space

hilbert-spacemathematical physicsquantum mechanics

It seems that all the usual physical systems have a separable Hilbert space. Is there any example with a non-separable Hilbert space?

BTW, I am actually always baffled by the fact that a continuous model like the 1d harmonic oscillator defined on $\mathbb{R}$ has a separable Hilbert space. It is well known that $\mathbb{R}$ is uncountable. But on the other hand, the Hermite polynomials are countable. This means while the Hermite polynomials (with some Gaussian prefactor) are a legitimate basis of the Hilbert spade, the more common and sloppy coordinate basis $|x \rangle $ are not.

Best Answer

The standard formulations of QM and QFT are such that the resulting Hilbert space is always separable, namely there exist a finite or infinite countable Hilbert basis (and thus every Hilbert bases are of the same type correspondingly).

Separability is required as an axiom from scratch or it arises as a consequence of more basic axioms. In particular

  • For elementary non-relativistic systems, all irreducible representations of $X_j$ and $P_k$ CCRs produce separable Hilbert spaces $L^2(\mathbb R^n, d^nx)$ in view of the celebrated Stone-von Neumann theorem. Adding the spin does not alter the result because the space becomes $L^2(\mathbb R^n, d^nx) \otimes \mathbb C^{2s+1}$ which is still separable.

  • If the elementary system is relativistic and therefore supports an irreducible unitary strongly-continuous representation of PoincarĂ© group,separability arises by the classification of the afore-mentioned representations which works on Hilbert spaces of the form $L^2(\mathbb R^n, d^nk) \otimes \mathbb C^{2s+1}$.

  • Finite composite systems are obtained by taking a finite tensor product of elementary systems, so that separability is preserved.

  • In the absence of complicated phenomena as spontaneously broken symmetry (see below), assuming asymptotic completeness, QFT is defined in a Fock space constructed out of separable Hilbert spaces (one particle spaces). These Fock spaces are separable.

  • In curved spacetime, at least in static spacetimes and using the static vacuum as vacuum of the Fock representation, separability is still guaranteed as the one particle space is still a $L^2$ space over a separable (in measure-theory sense) space.

Non separability may arise in presence of continuous superselection rules if picturing them as a direct sum instead of a cumbersome direct integral of sectors. Think of a non relativistic system admitting a mass operator $M$ whose spectrum $\sigma(M)$ is an interval, say $(a,b)$. The Hilbert space results to be the direct orthogonal sum of an infinitely continuous class of eigenspaces $\cal H_m$ of the mass operator $$\cal H = \oplus_{m \in \sigma(M)} \cal H_m$$ so that $\cal H$ cannot be separable as it admits an uncountable sequence of pairwise orthogonal subspaces.

Notice that the spectrum of $M$ is a pure point spectrum made of an interval $\sigma(M) = \sigma_p(M) =(a,b)$ in this picture.

Here, if one admits that the system supports a (projecitve unitary) representation of Galileo group, due to Bargmann's superselection rule of the mass, quantum physics is described in each subspace separately (in the standard way ${\cal H}_m = L^3(\mathbb R, d^3x)$ if the system is a particle with mass $m$ and $m$ appears therein as a fixed parameter) and at most incoherent superpositions of states of different subspaces are permitted.

In each such subspace ${\cal H}_m$ vectors are normalizable and all observables $A$ of the theory admit every ${\cal H}_m$ as invariant subspace, since $A$ commutes with $M$.

The fact that the vectors in each ${\cal H}_m$ are normalizable is the basic difference from the direct integral picture where vectors are instead similar to the kets $|x\rangle$ such that $\langle x| x \rangle$ does not make sense. In this representation $\sigma(M)$ is a continuous spectrum but the theory is quite singular in each coherent sector ${\cal H}_m$ which is not a subspace of the overall Hilbert space. As far as I remember a similar situation arises in loop quantum gravity...

Non-separability arises also when some symmetry spontaneously breaks and you consider all possible Hilbert spaces (continuously parametrized) as orthogonal subspaces of an overall Hilbert space.

Non separable Hilbert spaces have the pathology that quantum statistical mechanics cannot be formulated at least in the standard way, since the trace of usual statistical operators describing equilibrium necessarily diverges. This is because the overall Hamiltonian operator (if assuming to have pure point spectrum) admits an uncountable basis of eigenvectors. Though, in each superselection sector no problem arises.

In presence of non separable Hilbert spaces perhaps the algebraic approach seems more suitable. Thermodynamical equilibrium may be described in terms of KMS condition for an algebraic state over a C*-algebra of observables.

Non-separability arises from a very abstract viewpoint when considering all non unitarily equivalent representations of a given C*-algebra of observables, e.g., field operators referring to all possible vacua, in a unique Hilbert space made of all the GNS representations of these vacua.

Addendum. As I realized after a discussion with a colleague (at Les Houches school of physics) separability of the Hilbert space arises as soon as the system admits (is) an irreducible strongly-continuous unitary representation of a connected Lie group of symmetries. (If anyone is interested in the proof just ask me.) This includes both the case of a non-relativistic and relativistic particle mentioned above in particular.