[Physics] ny non-hermitian operator on Hilbert Space with all real eigenvalues

hilbert-spaceobservablesoperatorsquantum mechanics

The property of hermitian is the sufficient condition for eigenvalue being real.
Is there any non-hermitian operator on Hilbert Space with all real eigenvalues? If there exist, then can all eigenstates be orthogonal to each other? And these operators have any application in Quantum mechanics?

Best Answer

It is indeed possible to have a non-hermitian operator with all real eigenvalues. However, in that case at least two of its eigenstates must be non-orthogonal: having real eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenstates is sufficient for hermiticity.

For an example of the former, try e.g. $$ \begin{pmatrix} 2 & - 1 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}, $$ whose second eigenvector is $(1,1)$.

Note, however, that in a case like this (non-hermitian diagonalizable operator with all real eigenvalues) you can always find a second inner product with respect to which the operator is hermitian, essentially by declaring its eigenbasis to be orthogonal, by decree, on the new inner product.