[Physics] Normalisation factor $\psi_0$ for wave function $\psi = \psi_0 \sin(kx-\omega t)$

hilbert-spacenormalizationprobabilityquantum mechanicswavefunction

I know that if I integrate probabilitlity $|\psi|^2$ over a whole volume $V$ I am supposed to get 1. This equation describes this.

$$\int \limits^{}_{V} \left|\psi \right|^2 \, \textrm{d} V = 1\\$$

How would we calculate a normalisation factor $\psi_0$ for two simple wave functions like:

\psi &= \psi_0 \sin(kx-\omega t)\\
\psi &= \psi_0 e^{i(kx-\omega t)}

I know this is quite a basic question, but I have to straighten this out so I can continue reading QM.

Best Answer

Jerry Schirmer's answer applies in an infinite space. If you put the system in a box there is no problem: the normalized wavefunction is $\mathrm{e}^{ikx}/\sqrt{V}$. This is the usual theoretical device to make everything nice and well behaved. Then we take the limit $V\rightarrow\infty$ at the end of the day and, if we've done our job correctly, all of the $V$ dependence should drop out of the final answer. It's not too unreasonable either, since we don't actually know that the universe is infinite. Infinite for all practical purposes might as well just be a big box.

EDIT in response to comments:

Assume we operate in a box of volume $V$ (in any number of dimensions - interpret as length, area or volume as appropriate). We want to find the normalisation factor $N$ for the wavefunction $\psi = N \mathrm{e}^{i\vec{k}\cdot\vec{x}}$. So we calculate the norm of the wavefunction, which must be equal to one:

$$ \begin{array}{lcl} 1 &=& \int\mathrm{d}x\ \psi^\star \psi \\ &=& \int\mathrm{d}x\ N^\star N \\ &=& \left| N \right|^2 V \end{array}$$

So $N$ has a magnitude of $1/\sqrt{V}$ and an arbitrary phase which can be chosen to make it real and positive.