[Physics] Non-rigid body rotational dynamics

angular momentumclassical-mechanicshomework-and-exercises

I'm attempting to solve the following problem:

Two friends hold on to a rope, one at each end, on a smooth, frictionless ice surface. They skate in a circle about an axis through the center of the rope and perpendicular to the ice. The mass of one friend is $a$ kg and the other has a mass of $b$ kg. The rope of negligible mass is $\ell$ m long and they move at a speed of $v$ m/s.

I'm primarily trying to find the angular momentum of the system of the two skaters. I'm having a hard time thinking about this. All of the tools I have to deal with rotational dynamics are limited to rigid body motion or fixed axis rotation. I've been to the library to try and find other examples and all I can find is something with astronauts where their two masses are the same, which makes the analysis trivial (axis of rotation = center of mass). Here the center of mass is closer to to one of the skaters, but the problem states that the axis of rotation is the center of the rope. Since they both maintain constant tangential velocity, does this mean the axis of rotation has to move?

Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

For a system of point particles, the definition $$\vec{L}_i=\vec{r}_i\times\vec{p}_i$$ is always true; it's just a definition. I see no reason why that won't work here. The only choice you have to make is where to measure the position vectors $\vec{r}_i$ from. A particularly convenient position from which to measure $\vec{r}_i$ is the rotation axis.

One possibly tricky thing here is that the center of mass accelerates. This means there is always a non-zero net force on the system of the two skaters and rope. I suppose it's exerted by the ice on the skaters.

Also, this situation you're describing sounds to me like it does satisfy the requirements of a rigid body, at least for the specific motion you are describing. If the skaters begin to move toward each other so that the distance between them changes, then it wouldn't be a rigid body.

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