[Physics] Noether’s theorem and “translations” of the Hamiltonian function


In a nutshell, Noether's theorem states that for every continuous symmetry a corresponding conserved quantity exists.

Now, the Hamiltonian equations of motion (let's talk about a classical system here) are invarinat under addition of any constant to the Hamiltonian function

$$H\rightarrow H+ \text{const.}$$

Is there a corresponding conserved quantity?

Best Answer

Nope, this operation is not a symmetry in the physics sense. A symmetry transformation is a transformation that changes or mixes the values of the basic degrees of freedom such as positions and momenta $x(t)$, $p(t)$ in mechanics or the values of fields such as $\vec E(\vec x,t)$ and $\vec B(\vec x,t)$ in electromagnetism.

The Hamiltonian is not an independent variable or a basic degree of freedom; it is a function of them. You're not changing the values of any quantities that evolve with time; instead, you're changing some formulae for derived and in principle unnecessary auxiliary objects in the theory (in this case the Hamiltonian), claiming that other formulae are preserved. This is not a symmetry so there is no conservation law associated with this operation. You're not "rotating" real objects which is what symmetry transformations should do: you're just redefining auxiliary, derived objects on the paper.

Incidentally, the operation you mention fails to be "harmless" in general relativity because the energy is a source of gravitational field - curvature of space - so if you move it by a constant, you do change physics.