[Physics] No electric field inside a conductor by Gauss’s Law


So recently in our electrostatics course the lecturer keeps repeating a certain set of steps whenever he solves a problem, and I am not quite sure why these assessments are true.

  1. First, he makes the assumption that the conductor is ideal, and that hence all charge resides on the surface.
    • We've been only doing spheres, planes and cables, but does that actually apply to every conductor? And why?
  2. Hence if we put a Gaussian surface inside the conductor, the surface encloses no charge. By Gauss's Law, that means there is no electric flux (and hence field) inside a conductor.
    • This seems to me like the lecturer jumped a few steps there. From my understanding of Gauss's law, it says that the net electric field through the surface is zero, i.e. there could be electric field at any point on or within the surface, but in some places it points towards the inside of the surface, and towards the outside in others. Hence, when you integrate over the surface, the result will be zero, but the field at any given point is not necessarily zero.
    • In fact, when I tried calculating electric field inside an infinitely long wire with charge uniformly distributed on it's surface by using Coulomb's Law, it seemed rather obvious that the field does not equal to zero anywhere except for the centre of the wire.

Is there something I am missing here? Some additional implied assumptions? Or is the lecturer overgeneralising?

Best Answer

See, here the reasoning is such that you go from the fact that there is no charge inside the conductor to using Gauss's law to state that the electric field inside the conductor is 0 everywhere. However, this is faulty. The very premise of your reasoning should be that there is no electric field inside the conductor. Think about this, if there is an electric field inside the field then the free electrons of the conductor will start moving and a current will be created although there is no voltage applied. This is impossible and hence E=0 everywhere inside the conductor.

Now, use Gauss's law to get the fact that there can be no charge inside the conductor as any closed surface inside the conductor will have zero flux coming out of it( No electric field linked with the surface area). Hence, any charge provided to the conductor must reside on the surface. This is the simplest possible explanation.

I can not see how you used Coulomb's law to get a field inside the wire( Remember, Gauss's law is a far more fundamental law than Coulomb's law).This should hold for a really long wire as well as it is a conductor as well as long as you do not apply potential difference across its ends. Apply the same logic as above. It should be easy to see the truth.

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