[Physics] Negative energy in bound states of a particle in a finite potential well

potentialquantum mechanicsschroedinger equationwavefunction

Consider you have a particle in a finite potential well as depicted in the photo attached. Now we have three regions:
$$V(x) =
0, & \text{for } x<-a & (1)\\
-V_0, & \text{for }-a<x<a & (2)\\
0, & \text{for } x>a & (3)

To describe the bound states of the system, we use $E$(Energy)$<0$ and this is somewhere I really am confused. A bit due to the fact that negative energy term is somewhat avoided generally. But the main concern is, in region (2), there is a negative potential, so we can have an overall negative energy but in regions (1) and (3), the potential is zero. What does then negative energy mean in those regions? What can we say about our physical system in regions (1) and (3) where potential is zero but energies are negative?

enter image description here

Best Answer

The negative energy is no problem at all.

The wave functions $\psi(x)$ for energy $E$

  • are oscillatory where $E > V(x)$, i.e. in region (2)
  • and are decreasing exponentially where $E<V(x)$, i.e. in regions (1) and (3). That means the particle penetrates a short distance into these regions.

enter image description here
(image taken from More 1D Problems)

Actually the situation in your negative potential well is qualitatively not very different from the hydrogen atom (an electron in the negative Coulomb potential of the nucleus).

atomic energy levels
(image taken from this question)