[Physics] Navier Stokes Approximation For Low Reynold’s number

fluid dynamicsnavier-stokes;

The generic form of the Navier Stokes equation is (assuming incompressibility and Newtonian fluid):

$$\rho\cfrac{Dv}{Dt} = -\nabla P + \mu\nabla^2v + \rho g$$

This equation can be rearranged as follows with respect to the Reynold's number:

$$Re\cfrac{Dv}{Dt} = -\cfrac{vL}{\mu}\nabla P + vL\nabla^2v + Re* g$$

Notably, for small Re, the first and last terms disappear (according to my intuition).

However, when solving a problem, my professor only removes the first term based on this assumption. Note that the problem involves fluid flow down an inclined plane, and that the gravitational term is actually important, since this flow is gravity driven.

Why can we not negate the first and last terms, given that we are told that the flow is low Re?

Best Answer

When looking at what terms are important or not in an equation, you want to non-dimensionalize things and then see which terms are O(1) in magnitude. To make this easier, it's usually better to divide by Reynolds number, so you get:

$$ \frac{D\mathbf u}{Dt}=-\nabla p + \frac{1}{\mathrm{Re}}\nabla^2\mathbf u+\mathbf g $$

From here, it should be immediately obvious what happens as the Reynolds number changes between small values and large ones. At very small Re, the viscous term dominates every other term in the expression and so gravity and pressure gradients won't matter. Think of something like tree sap in cold weather -- it's still liquid, but it really doesn't want to move, even in gravity.

On the other hand, if Re is of O(1), then all the terms are important and each has an effect.

If I had a third hand, then on that one when Re is really big, the viscous term is negligibly small compared to the others and you won't see viscous effects in the solution.

Other than that, what KyleKanos said about the steady state solution is why the temporal derivative was neglected in this case.