[Physics] n average distance between groups of galaxies such as our Local Group


I believe our Local Group is $10$ million light years in diameter and, depending on which article I read, has $30-52$ galaxies. But what about other galaxy groups? How far would they be?

I calculated that if our Milky Way was one inch long then the Andromeda galaxy would be $2.2$ inches long and $25$ inches away. Our Local Group would be about $8.3$ feet in diameter. So I am wondering how far apart, on average, are these "galaxy groups". If I know the distance in light years or millions of light years I can convert that to something I can visualize so I can imagine in my mind what the large scale structure looks like. I have searched but can't seem to find any scale models.

Best Answer

Here is a picture of the nearby galaxies in the Karachentsev catalog: Galaxies within a few Mpc in the Karachentsev catalog

This is a view from the Local Void direction; most of the galaxy clusters lie along a rough plane (the Local Sheet). The Local Group is in the middle, and the closest groups are about 4 Mpc away.

Generally there is a bit of confusion between galaxy groups, galaxy clusters, and larger structures like superclusters. Galaxy groups are collections that are gravitationally bound, typically 1-2 Mpc away from each other. Clusters are larger (2-10 Mpc) and contain several groups, while superclusters are collections of groups and clusters (150-200 Mpc across). At the larger scales defining where one thing begins and ends is somewhat arbitrary, especially since they are no longer gravitationally bound over cosmological time. Filaments and sheets of galaxies make the edges and distances even fuzzier.

So while there will always be some average depending on what definitions one chose, the distances will be fairly dependent on the definition and where one is in the universe.

See also this paper and visualisations for some more mapping.

(One Mpc = 3.26 million lightyears)

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