General Relativity – Do Monopole Gravitational Waves Exist?


GR says that monopole gravitational radiation does not exist. I understand the reasons for this.

However there is this effect (which seems to me to have the hallmarks of a wave). Paper at arXiv:

Monopole gravitational waves from relativistic fireballs driving gamma-ray bursts (

I would like some feedback on that paper, my thoughts on it are below, which may or may not be relevant.

Basically what happens is that you have a mass that sheds energy. So if you are standing at a point outside the mass, the gravitational potential changes very quickly as the ejected mass passes by you. Since we detect the gravitational field as the slope of the potential, it seems there will be a boost applied to our motion as the potential changes.

This change in motion is why I think that the paper has the correct name – these are waves.

The author of the paper had no trouble calling this effect a monopole gravitational wave, but is it properly called a gravitational wave?

Best Answer

These kind of effects apply to any kind of mass or energy. A massive particle moving at below the speed of light will carry a "subluminal gravitational wave". Dipolar radiation will carry a "dipolar gravitational wave" etc.

In principle, you can assign the label "gravitational wave" to any kind of gravitational field propagating along with some matter-energy object. But this is not usually done. A more purist viewpoint would be to call the free gravitational waves as the only gravitational waves. I.e., if it is a vacuum excitation of the space-time itself, it is a gravitational wave, if it is actually the gravity associated with some object, it is not. Such gravitational waves radiated from isolated sources can indeed be only quadrupole.

However, this line is harder to draw in the case of null (moving at speed of light) matter. In that case, you often do not know which part is the "free" wave and the one "carried along" because they would both move at the speed of light along the matter/radiation. And this is also a fundamental issue; there is no truly fundamental difference between the "space-time at rest" and the "vibrating space-time" through which the wave is passing. We are able to speak of the difference between a "wave" and a "non-wave" only thanks to a predefined meaning of a "still background". But when you are for example in the thin shell of gamma radiation travelling away from a source, the "correct background" is basically impossible to define.

Hence, people often talk about waves dragged with null matter simply as gravitational waves and do not make a distinction between the "free" and "dragged along" part (Griffiths & Podolský have a few chapters with examples). In the paper you link, the distinction could be made because one could show that there is no extra freedom in the polarization or strength of the wave. Simply put, the gravitational wave has no free properties and it is fully determined by the shell of gamma radiation (up to non-physical gauge transformations). So we could either call the mentioned excitation in the metric a "monopole wave" or a "dragged-along gravitational field", it is really just a question of a finer naming convention.

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