[Physics] Molecular mean free path probability

homework-and-exercisesmean-free-pathmolecular dynamicsmolecules

Let's let $p(\xi)$ be the probability a molecule travels at least $\xi$ between collisions, lets say $\xi=0.01$. When I think of this statement, I think it it is the probability the molecule is able to travel 0.01 OR greater since the key word is AT LEAST. The formula of determining this probability is $$p(\xi)=e^{\frac{\xi}{\Lambda}}$$

Now what if I want to determine when the probability the molecule travels GREATER THAN 0.01? I feel like there should be a different formula for this because it is only greater than 0.01 and it doesn't include 0.01 like before. I can't seem to find the formula for this and I don't know enough molecular theory to derive it.

I am also trying to determine the root mean square free path. I know how to find the mean free path but I cannot find anything online about the root mean square free path

Best Answer

Regarding your "at least" vs "greater than":

I think your intuition about "at least" vs "greater than" works for discreet outcomes, but not continuous ones like what you are considering. Well, at least I think your parameter squiggle is continuous? Read on if so.

Think about a six-sided die. This is a discreet case. The probability to roll at least 3 is 4/6, while the probability to roll greater than 3 is 3/6. Note here that the difference in the probabilities $4/6 - 3/6 = 1/6$ characterizes the difference between "at least" and "greater than."

Now think of a 100 sided die. The difference between corresponding probabilities will be 1/100. Smaller.

Continue this limiting process. It seems that for the continuous cases there isn't a difference between "at least" and "greater than."

(Someone who knows statistics might be able to clean up my messy language.)