[Physics] Mirrors and the human eye


Not sure if this is a suitable question for this exchange.

Me and a friend are debating what can be seen through a periscope consisting only of two 45 degree mirrors. My friend tells me that the walls of the periscope would be visible in the mirror the the user of the periscope could see due to the way light bounces off the insides of the periscope.

I was under the impression that the only information being received by the eye would be from the two mirrors I understand that light bounces off the walls in the periscope and it would come off the mirror that the eye could see. But I thought this information would be omitted and superseded by the information that is directly coming off the two mirrors.

Is my friend right about the walls of the periscope being visible in the mirror too? And could someone explain it to me?

Best Answer

The answer depends on how the periscope is made (the relative size of the mirrors, the shape of the box , and where do you put your eye. You do not need a periscope to see this, just look through a pipe. The mirrors do not matter they only redirect the light, so your problem is equivalent to that of making holes of the size of the mirrors at both ends of a box, instead of at the sides. Or you can replace the box by a pipe, to make it simpler. Basically, you will notice that depending on where you put your eye, you will see the inside or the outside of the pipe plus the hole at the other end.

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