Special Relativity – Minkowski Diagram and Length Contraction Analysis

coordinate systemsinertial-framesmetric-tensorspecial-relativity

The length contraction means that an object is the longest in the frame in which it is at rest.

Lets assume i have a meter stick with length $\Delta x$ in my rest frame which is $x,ct$ and i want to know how long my meter stick seems to an observer moving with a frame $x',ct'$.

1st: I draw world lines of a meter stick in a rest frame and they are vertical (parallel to $ct$ axis) as meter stick is stationary in this frame.

2nd: If an observer in a moving frame $x',ct'$ wants to measure my meter stick he measures its edges at the same moment in his time, so i draw a tilted line (parallel to $x'$ axis).

3rd: If i mesure the length $\Delta x'$ which is a length of a meter stick as observer in frame $x',ct'$ sees it, it seems to me that he sees a longer distance than me.

This is not correct. Could anyone tell me what am i missing here?

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Best Answer

What you've missed is that the distance along the $x'$ axis is not the same as the distance along the $x$ axis. The locus of events that are 1 unit of proper distance from the origin is a hyperbola. This can be used to calibrate the $x'$ axis. See calibration hyperbola.

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