[Physics] Medium particle velocity vs wave velocity


It is said that wave may have a uniform velocity. We could think of the time when exactly the 1/3 th wavepulse has finished pasing through this point, and 2/3th numbered wave pulse would do this after twice the time elapsed, etc.
But it is worth noting that any individual particle of the medium may oscillate up and down, not with an uniform velocity(restoring force is proportional to displacement). Isn't it contradictory, in the sense that the overall wave should not have itself a uniform velocity, rather than an average?

Best Answer

I think you are confusing the motion of the wave and the motion of the individual particles of the medium which transmits the wave. Of course the velocity of the wave is uniform while the velocity of the particles varies during the cycle of oscillation. 'The wave' itself is seen in the progress eg of a peak through the medium, from one particle to another. (Possibly I saying the same as honeste_vivere !)

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