[Physics] Measuring the effective mass



To avoid any terminology confusion, this is asked in the context of Solid State Physics and semiconductors.

The canonical definition given for the effective mass is that it is related to the curvature of the conduction and valence bands in the band structure (energy dispersion in terms of k-vector) for electrons and holes respectively. So $m_{eff}$ is given by: $$m_{eff}^{-1} = \hbar^{-2}\frac{\partial^2 E}{\partial k^2} \tag{*}$$

Moreover for the holes, one often has to distinguish between light and heavy ones, as the band structure may contain multiple valence bands with different curvatures. Effective masses are usually tabulated in terms of free electron masses, e.g. for Silicon we know that the heavy holes have $49\%$ the mass of the free electron and light holes $16\%.$


  • I'm just curious to learn how experimentally, for a given material (GaAs, Ge, …) one goes about measuring the effective masses? What are the most usually adopted methods? It would be enlightening to learn about the key ideas behind such experimental procedures.
  • Are there both direct and indirect ways of measuring $m_{eff}?$ (indirect in the sense that we measure other observables from which we may be able to infer reliably what the effective masses ought to be, and direct in the sense that an experiment designated solely to measure $m_{eff}.$)
  • If a useful account of ideas involved is difficult to implement in such platform, feel free to refer to relevant literature where a solid exposure is given.

Best Answer

The method I'll describe is called Cyclotron Resonance, and it's a neat way to directly measure $m^*$ by using a fixed magnetic field $\boldsymbol B$.

The equation of motion of the electrons in a certain material, when in presence of a magnetic field $\boldsymbol B$ are

$$ m^*\dot{\boldsymbol v}=-e\boldsymbol v\times \boldsymbol B -\frac{m^*}{\tau}\boldsymbol v\tag{1} $$ where $\tau$ is the relaxation time$^1$ of the electrons (in general, $\tau^{-1}$ is a very small number, so for now we might take $\tau^{-1}=0$; it will be important later). If we take $\tau^{-1}=0$, then the solution of $(1)$ is well-known: the electron moves in a circular orbit, with angular frequency $$ \omega_c=\frac{eB}{m^*} \tag{2} $$

By measuring $\omega_c$ for different values of $B$ we can get a very precise measurement of $m^*$. But, the obvious question, how can we effectively measure $\omega_c$ in a laboratory? The answer is surprisingly easy, as we'll see in a moment.

If, in the situation above, we turn on a monochromatic source of light (say, a laser) with frequency $\omega$, there will be an electric field $\boldsymbol E\;\mathrm e^{-i\omega t}$, and the new equations of motion will be $$ m^*\dot{\boldsymbol v}=-e(\boldsymbol E(t)+\boldsymbol v\times \boldsymbol B) -\frac{m^*}{\tau}\boldsymbol v\tag{3} $$

By using the ansatz $\boldsymbol v(t)=\boldsymbol v_0\;\mathrm e^{-i\omega t}$, and solving for $\boldsymbol v_0$ (left as an exercise), you can easily check that in this case, $\boldsymbol v(t)$ will be proportional to $\boldsymbol E(t)$ (which should be more or less intuitive). For example, if we take $\boldsymbol B$ in the $z$ direction, then $\boldsymbol v$ is given by $$ \boldsymbol v_0=\frac{e}{m^*}\begin{pmatrix} i\omega-1/\tau&\omega_c&0\\-\omega_c&i\omega-1/\tau&0\\0&0&i\omega-1/\tau\end{pmatrix}^{-1}\boldsymbol E \tag{4} $$ where $^{-1}$ means matrix inverse.

This system will absorb energy from the source, so that the transmitted light will be less intense than the incoming light. The absorbed power is just $\text{Re}[\boldsymbol j\cdot\boldsymbol E]$, and as $\boldsymbol j\propto \boldsymbol v$, it's easy to check that $$ P\propto \text{Re}\left[\frac{1-i\omega \tau}{(1-i\omega\tau)^2+\omega_c^2\tau^2}\right]\propto \frac{1}{(1-\omega^2\tau^2+\omega_c^2\tau^2)^2+4\omega^2\tau^2} \tag{5} $$

Now, if we vary $\omega$, the power $P$ changes, and from $(5)$ we can see that there will be resonance when $(\omega^2+\omega_c^2)\tau^2=1$. In practice, $\omega\tau\ll 1$, so the resonant frequency is $\omega\approx\omega_c$:

$\hspace{100pt}$absorbed power

where the lines correspond to $\tau=0.1,\;0.5,\;1,\;3$, from green to blue. As you can see, for $\tau\to 0$, the resonance tends to $\omega_c$, so by measuring the resonant frequency we get the value of $\omega_c$, i.e., the value of $m^*$.

$^1$ the relaxation time $\tau$ is related to the mean free path: $\ell\sim v\tau$. Taking $\tau^{-1}\approx 0$ means that we assume the electron performs many cyclotron orbits before colliding with anything (ions, impurities,...).

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