Quantum Mechanics – What Is Meant by the Term ‘Completeness Relation’? Simplified Explanation

hilbert-spacequantum mechanicsterminology

From my humble (physicist) mathematics training, I have a vague notion of what a Hilbert space actually is mathematically, i.e. an inner product space that is complete, with completeness in this sense heuristically meaning that all possible sequences of elements within this space have a well-defined limit that is itself an element of this space (I think this is right?!). This is a useful property as it enables one to do calculus in this space.

Now, in quantum mechanics Hilbert spaces play an important role in that they are the spaces in which the (pure) states of quantum mechanical systems "live". Given a set of orthonormal basis vectors, $\lbrace\lvert\phi_{n}\rangle\rbrace$ for such a Hilbert space, one can express a given state vector, $\lvert\psi\rangle$ as a linear combination of these basis states, $$\lvert\psi\rangle=\sum_{n}c_{n}\lvert\phi_{n}\rangle$$ since the basis states are orthonormal, i.e. $\langle\phi_{n}\lvert\phi_{m}\rangle =\delta_{nm}$ we find that $c_{n}=\langle\phi_{n}\lvert\psi\rangle$, and hence $$\lvert\psi\rangle=\sum_{n}c_{n}\lvert\phi_{n}\rangle =\sum_{n}\langle\phi_{n}\lvert\psi\rangle\lvert\phi_{n}\rangle =\left(\sum_{n}\lvert\phi_{n}\rangle\langle\phi_{n}\lvert\right)\lvert\psi\rangle$$ which implies that $$\sum_{n}\lvert\phi_{n}\rangle\langle\phi_{n}\lvert =\mathbf{1}$$ This is referred to as a completeness relation, but I'm unsure what this is referring to? I've also read that the basis must be complete. Is this referring to the notion of completeness associated with limits of sequences, or is there something else I'm missing?

Best Answer

A Hilbert space $\cal H$ is complete which means that every Cauchy sequence of vectors admits a limit in the space itself.

Under this hypothesis there exist Hilbert bases also known as complete orthonormal systems of vectors in $\cal H$. A set of vectors $\{\psi_i\}_{i\in I}\subset \cal H$ is called an orthonormal system if $\langle \psi_i |\psi_j \rangle = \delta_{ij}$. It is also said to be complete if a certain set of equivalent conditions hold. One of them is $$\langle \psi | \phi \rangle = \sum_{i\in I}\langle \psi| \psi_i\rangle \langle \psi_i| \phi \rangle\quad \forall \psi, \phi \in \cal H\tag{1}\:.$$ (This sum is absolutely convergent and must be interpreted if $I$ is not countable, but I will not enter into these details here.) Since $\psi,\phi$ are arbitrary, (1) is often written $$I = \sum_{i\in I}| \psi_i\rangle \langle \psi_i|\tag{2}\:.$$

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