[Physics] Meaning of instantaneous probability densities in time dependent wavefunctions

quantum mechanicsschroedinger equationwavefunction

For a time dependent wavefunction, are the instantaneous probability densities meaningful? (The question applies for instances or more generally short lengths of time that are not multiples of the period.)

What experiment could demonstrate the existence of a time dependent probability density?

Can an isolated system be described by a time dependent wavefunction? How would this not violate conservation of energy?

I see the meaning of the time averaged probability density. Is the time dependence just a statistical construct?

Best Answer

1) Why do you believe that instantaneous probability densities are not meaningful?

2) Essentially any non-stationary state for which you need to compute time-dependent wavefunctions: e.g. chemical reaction dynamics, particle scattering, etc.

3) Yes, the time dependant Schrödinger equation applies to isolated systems.

4) By definition energy is conserved in an isolated system. Moreover, the Schrödinger equation conserves energy because the generator of time translations is the Hamiltonian and this commutes with itself $[H,H]=0$, i.e. energy is conserved. For isolated systems, the Hamiltonian is time-independent (explicitly) and the time-dependent wavefunction $\Psi$ has the well-known form $\Psi = \Phi e^{-iEt/\hbar}$, with $E$ the energy of the isolated system.

5) I do not understand the question.