[Physics] Maxwell’s Equations using Differential Forms


Maxwell's Equations written with usual vector calculus are

$$\nabla \cdot E=\rho/\epsilon_0 \qquad \nabla \cdot B=0$$
$$\nabla\times E=-\dfrac{\partial B}{\partial t} \qquad\nabla\times B=\mu_0j+\dfrac{1}{c^2}\dfrac{\partial E}{\partial t}$$

now, if we are to translate into differential forms we notice something: from the first two equations, it seems that $E$ and $B$ should be $2$-forms. The reason is simple: we are taking divergence, and divergence of a vector field is equivalent to the exterior derivative of a $2$-form, so this is the first point.

The second two equations, though, suggests $E$ and $B$ should be $1$-forms, because we are taking curl. Thinking of integrals, the first two we integrate over surfaces, so the integrands should be $2$-forms and the second two we integrate over paths and so the integrands should be $1$-forms.

In that case, how do we represent $E$ and $B$ with differential forms, if in each equation they should be a different kind of form?

Best Answer

Your problem is that you did not take relativity into account:

In Minkowski space, the relation between exterior derivatives and classical vector operators is different from the one in Euclidean 3-space, and $E$ and $B$ actually turn out to be components of a single 2-form $F$ (which is necessary to get the correct transformation laws under boosts).

Because I'm lazy, I'm going to work backwards from ${\rm d}F$ and ${\rm d}\star F$.

First, the electromagnetic tensor can be decomposed into $$ F = \sum_i E_i\,{\rm d}t\wedge{\rm d}x^i - \star\sum_i B_i\,{\rm d}t\wedge{\rm d}x^i $$ I'm assuming a $(+---)$ convention for the Minkowski metric. Please note that the sign above might be incorrect - I know I messed up somewhere (I started out with a $+$ in the formula above, and 'fixed' it after I got the wrong result), so it might be a good idea for someone to check these calculations and correct my answer if they are wrong.

The exterior derivative on 2-forms can be written as $$ \begin{align*} {\rm d}\sum_i A_i\,{\rm d}t\wedge{\rm d}x^i &= \star\sum_i (\nabla\times A)_i\,{\rm d}x^i \\ {\rm d}\star\sum_i A_i\,{\rm d}t\wedge{\rm d}x^i &= -\star(\nabla\cdot A\,{\rm d}t + \sum_i \frac{\partial A_i}{\partial t}\,{\rm d}x^i) \end{align*} $$ and we arrive at $$ \begin{align*} {\rm d}F &= \star\sum_i (\nabla\times E)_i\,{\rm d}x^i + \star(\nabla\cdot B\,{\rm d}t + \sum_i \frac{\partial B_i}{\partial t}\,{\rm d}x^i) \\&= \star\sum_i ( \nabla\times E + \frac{\partial B}{\partial t} )_i\,{\rm d}x^i + \star\nabla\cdot B\,{\rm d}t \\ {\rm d}\star F &= {\rm d}\left( \star\sum_i E_i\,{\rm d}t\wedge{\rm d}x^i + \sum_i B_i\,{\rm d}t\wedge{\rm d}x^i \right) \\&= -\star(\nabla\cdot E\,{\rm d}t + \sum_i \frac{\partial E_i}{\partial t}\,{\rm d}x^i) + \star\sum_i (\nabla\times B)_i\,{\rm d}x^i \\&= \star\sum_i ( \nabla\times B - \frac{\partial E}{\partial t} )_i\,{\rm d}x^i - \star\nabla\cdot E\,{\rm d}t \end{align*} $$ from which we get the left-hand sides of the Maxwell equations by looking and space and time components separately.