[Physics] max speed of circular motion


I understand that it is the static friction force that lets us turn the car around the corner. It provides the necessary centripetal acceleration. Static friction opposes the impending motion of the car moving away from the circle.

I also know that static friction has a max value. In case of a static block lying on ground, it will start to move when the force applied is greater than static friction max.

before attempt to turn, there was kinetic friction force only.

Now that we turn, we have static friction force also. What is the origin of this force? Is it by breaking down the friction force between tire and ground into two components – one still acting as kinetic friction force acting tangentially and another one as static friction force acting perpendicular to the tire?

I learnt a formula to calculate max speed of circular motion of the car possible. I don't understand what it means? What will happen if driver faster than that? would the static friction force would become too high? what are the consequences?

Best Answer

before attempt to turn, there was kinetic friction force only.

Where do you think you have kinetic friction? Kinetic friction is found when you have two surfaces sliding against each other. The tire-road interface is not sliding, so it is static friction, both before and during a turn.

During acceleration, the force of the tire on the road is rearward, so the reaction force of the road on the tire is forward. The only difference in the turn is that the frictional force is directed sideways instead.

If the forces between the tire and the road exceed the maximum static friction, then the tire will skid rather than roll.