[Physics] Mass dropped on a spring


I thought this would be a particularly simple problem but it is turning out to be quite the opposite. I am sure I am doing a very simple mistake.

The problem statement is that there is a mass which is just barely kept on the spring (help by the force equal to the weight of the spring) such that the spring is uncompressed. As soon as I let the object go, it will compress the spring and come to rest at some height. The energy stored in the spring will be equal to the difference in the potential energy at the two height of the spring (compressed and uncompressed),

$$mgh_i -mgh_f= 1/2 kx^2$$
Furthermore, the compression of the spring would just be the difference in the $h_f -h_i$. This gives me two roots for compression,

And the second would be,
But then by this, $kx=2mg$ and $kx$ is force by Hooks law, but then does it means that the force compressing the spring is twice the weight of the object? That sounds odd. I was expecting I would just recover Hooks law but I guess I am doing something wrong here. But I am not sure what that is.

Any help will be much appreciated.

P.S. This is not a homework problem. We are designing a project for our school.

Thanks for your time.

Best Answer

When the spring reaches maximum compression, the mass is instantaneously at rest but it is not in static equilibrium. The net force on it is not zero : $kx \ne mg$. Like a pendulum at the end of each swing, there is a net force on the mass causing it to accelerate towards the equilibrium position - at which the net force on it is then (for an instant) zero. Your calculation is correct. It is your interpretaion of the result which is at fault.

At the lowest point the compression force in the spring is $kx=2mg$, acting upwards on the mass, while gravity is still pulling down with force $mg$. There is a net force of $mg$ acting upwards.