[Physics] Magnitude and Direction of Friction Force on Block


Friction problem

So in this problem you're asked to find the magnitude as well as direction (upwards is positive) of the friction force on the block.

The block has a mass $m$ and is not moving in any direction.

If you consider the case where $\theta = 0$ then the force of friction obviously has to point upwards to keep $mg$ from moving the block downwards.

But for $ 0 < \theta \leq \pi/2$ the direction of the friction force depends on the relationship between $mg$ and $F$ which we know nothing about.

The magnitude will be either   $mg – F\sin\theta $      or    $F\sin\theta – mg$

depending on the direction but how can i decide the latter?

(the $\mu_k$ in the figure is for another problem)

Best Answer

The equation of equilibrium in the vertical direction is $F\sin \theta +F_f-mg=0$, where $F_f$ is the friction force (if its sign is positive, it is directed upwards), so $F_f=mg-F\sin\theta$. However, if $|mg-F\sin\theta|>\mu_s F \cos\theta$, the problem does not have a solution (the block cannot be in equilibrium).