[Physics] Looking for the efficiency of an adiabatic–isobaric–isochoric thermodynamic cycle


thermodynamic cycle (adiabatic (a–b), isobaric (b–c), isochoric (c–a)

I am trying to prove that the efficiency of the above cycle is equal to:

$e = 1 – \gamma \frac{V_2 – V_1}{P_1 – P_2}$ for 1 mole of an ideal gas.

I assume I should use the equation $e \equiv \frac{\Delta W_{cycle}}{Q_H} = 1 – \frac{T_C}{T_H}$.

For the adiabatic process, the work is:
$\frac{PV^\gamma (V_2^{1-\gamma} – V_1^{1-\gamma})}{(1-\gamma)}=C_V(T_2-T_1)$
and for the isobaric process, the work is $P_2(V_2 – V_1)$. The isochoric has no work done because there is no change in volume.

I guess that I would find the change in work of the cycle as the work done from the isobaric process minus the work done from the adiabatic process.

I am a little unsure of how to proceed. I don't know where I can get the $P_1$ and $P_2$ values from. What should I be looking for and how should I determine $Q_H$?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Best Answer

I will only comment on your assumption of the efficiency of the cycle.

The efficiency equation you are using assumes a reversible cycle where all the heat added $Q_H$ occurs at a single temperature $T_H$ and all the heat rejected $Q_C$ occurs at a single temperature $T_C$. In your cycle the heat added during the isochoric process and rejected during the isobaric process do not occur at single temperatures but over a range of temperatures. If you use the formula you will need to use the mean temperatures in the two processes, not the maximum and minimum.

Hope this helps.

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