Quantum Field Theory – Locality in QFT vs ‘Non-local’ in Quantum Mechanics

localitynon-localityquantum mechanicsquantum-field-theory

In quantum mechanics (QM), teacher always emphasizes on the "weird" parts, like EPR paradox, Bell inequality and so on. The Bell inequality tells us that QM is either nonlocal or non-realistic or both.

However in quantum field theory (QFT), teacher says that physics requires locality and causality, and never mentions that the "nonlocality" or "nonrealisitc". While QFT is also a quantum theory, is there some contradiction of locality requirement of QFT with nonlocal in QM? Or does it mean that locality of QFT just implies that QM is local and nonrealistic?

Best Answer

The locality of a QFT refers to the operator algebra. The (non-) locality of Bell's theorem refers to the states (rays) of the Hilbert space. These are different notions of locality, and they coexist peacefully.

To quote, Fredenhagen1

Apart from these problems, there is a deeper reason why it is fortunate to separate the construction of observables from the construction of states. This is the apparent conflict between the principle of locality, which in particular governs classical field theory, and the existence of nonclassical correlations (entanglement) in quantum systems, often referred to as non-locality of quantum physics. As a matter of fact it turns out that the algebra of observables is completely compatible with the locality principle whereas the states typically exhibit nonlocal correlations.


1 An Introduction to Algebraic Quantum Field Theory, from the book Advances in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory.

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