[Physics] Liouville’s theorem and the preservation of topology

classical-mechanicshamiltonian-formalismphase-spacetime evolutiontopology

What might be a simple proof showing that the time evolution of the phase space volume can't lead to splitting off of the phase space volume?

By Liouville's theorem, the total phase space volume is conserved, but does it also say that a connected phase space volume will stay connected forever under the Hamiltonian flow?

Best Answer

Here's something I believe is a simple proof. Unfortunately it uses a little bit of cohomology.

Consider the canonical 2-form in extended phase space $T^*M \times \mathbb{R}$

$$\omega = \sum_{i=1}^N dq_i \wedge dp_i - dH(\vec{q},\vec{p},t) \wedge dt ,$$

where $N = dim(M)$. A function $f: M \to M$ is said to be a canonical transformation iff $f^* \omega = \omega$. Thus, for any canonical transformation,

$$\sum_{i=1}^N dq_i \wedge dp_i - dH(\vec{q},\vec{p},t) \wedge dt = \sum_{i=1}^N dQ_i \wedge dP_i - dK(\vec{Q},\vec{P},T) \wedge dT ,$$

where we defined $(\vec{Q},\vec{P},T) = f^*(\vec{q},\vec{p},t)$. This means that

$$\sum_{i=1}^N q_i dp_i - H(\vec{q},\vec{p},t) dt - \left( \sum_{i=1}^N Q_i dP_i - dK(\vec{Q},\vec{P},T) dT \right) = dG ,$$

i.e, that the tautological forms associated to the canonical 2-forms are elements of the same de Rham cohomology class. By the homotopic invariance of the de Rham cohomology,

$$\oint_\gamma \left( \sum_{i=1}^N q_i dp_i - H(\vec{q},\vec{p},t) dt \right) = \oint_{\Gamma} \left( \sum_{i=1}^N Q_i dP_i - dK(\vec{Q},\vec{P},T) dT \right) ,$$

where $\Gamma$ is the image of the curve $\gamma$ by $f$.

As movement can be considered to be a canonical transformation, we just proved that the hamiltonian evolution in extended phase space needs to relate only homotopic curves. A corollary is that if you start with a compact simply-connected set in phase space and track its evolution in time, the curve that bounds this set can only evolve to others homotopic to it. As a simply connected set boundary is never homotopic to a non-simply connected one, we just showed that hamiltonian evolution takes simply-connected sets to simply-coonected sets.

I'm really sorry if this is too technical. I'm too ignorant to offer a proof with simpler arguments (which points out how limited is my knowledge on the subject).

EDIT: Small correction on dimension.

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