[Physics] Linear vs. quadratic dispersion relation

dispersionelectromagnetic-radiationquantum mechanicswavefunctionwaves

In wave mechanics the dispersion relation between frequency $\omega$ and wave number $k$ is linear: $$\omega_n=c k_n$$

But in quantum mechanics, based on Schrödinger's equation, one can show that we have a quadratic relation between the two :


  • What is the implication of this difference?
  • Does it say something on the wave nature of wave-functions in quantum mechanics compared to e.g. EM waves?

Just looking for intuitive physical interpretations here.

Best Answer

The wave mechanics dispersion relation you cite is for EM waves propagating in free space. In other media, the dispersion relation is not necessarily linear (it can be quadratic or have some more complex dependence). So in this context, there's nothing special about quantum mechanics.

More generally, the dispersion relation tells us about the phase speed of the wave and the group velocity:

$$v_\text{phase} = \frac{\omega_n}{k_n}$$


$$ v_\text{g} \equiv \frac{\partial \omega_n}{\partial k_n} $$

So for example, in contrast to EM waves in free space, the particular quantum dispersion relation you cite will have a group velocity that depends on the wavenumber. The quantum mechanics interpretation of this is that the particle's momentum will depend on its wavenumber ($p = \hbar k$).

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